Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

help > admin > Sprint Admin

Sprint Administration Panel

Located in Admin/Agilo/Sprints

As administrator you can also add Sprints to Agilo, normally sprints are created by the Scrum Master that according to the Product Owner's plan sets the needed Sprints for a Release. The Scrum Master can operate directly from the Roadmap /chrome/agilo/images/icon.roadmap.png menu. Read the Agilo User Guide to learn how the Scrum Master can manage Sprints.

You can also edit existing sprints, filling in the following properties:

  • Name: the name of the Sprint, that has to be unique in the system. If you try to add a sprint that is already existing, you will be redirected to the edit page for that sprint
  • Milestone: a Sprint is always connected to a Milestone that is a way to identify the end-date of a Release
  • Start Date: a Sprint needs to have a start date, that can be expressed with time precision to the second, in the locale format configured for the system (if run with tracd as standalone, the locale will be taken from the console, if run in Apache + mod_python it can be set as explained in Trac with mod_python)
  • End Date or Duration: you need to set either the End Date for your Sprint or the Duration, which should be expressed in Working Days. Agilo will calculate the End Date excluding the weekends, but not the national holidays (we are not that advanced... yet)
  • Team: as an administrator you can change or reset the Team assigned to a Sprint. The Team is used from the Sprint to calculate the Capacity and than generate all the statistics for the team view pages

Attention: Renaming a Sprint may have unwanted side-effects: Due to Trac's denormalized database structure, the rename will not be propagated to other database objects. If you have already assigned tickets to the Sprint, these tickets will still have the old sprint name, resulting in orphaning. The same is true for all metrics (e.g. initial commitment, estimated velocity). Therefore renaming a Sprint probably requires some manual intervention in the database. It is only safe to rename sprints that have not yet started and don't have any tickets assigned! The same holds true for renaming Milestones in Trac.

Note: Visit the Agilo for trac user group to learn more about specific topics.

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