Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

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Trac Command Line Administration Tool

The Trac Command Line Administration tool is a command line script trac-admin that should be installed together with Trac. This tool allows an Administrator to perform various actions from the console, some of these actions are explained here - because directly connected with Agilo - for the others you can refer directly to the Trac Admin page.

Create a new Project

To create a new project, you have to follow two basic steps, the first one is to create and initialize a new Trac project and the second one is to enable Agilo in that project.

  1. To create a new project, first choose a folder (directory) on your file system where you would like your project folders to be (e.g.: /var/lib/agilo) and make sure you have write permission on that folder. Now you can initialize a project, using the command:
      $ trac-admin <project_name> initenv
    The interactive command will ask you some questions about the project you want to create, and will initialize an environment. If you plan to use a database different from SQLite or you want to have a complete description on how to create a new environment, please refer to Trac Installation Guide.
  1. To enable Agilo on the newly created project, you will have to edit the project configuration file: `<project_name>/conf/trac.ini'. Just add or edit a new section called components:
       agilo.* = enabled
    after having saved the file you can run the following command from the console:
       $ trac-admin <project_name> upgrade
    this will configure the new project to use Agilo. You will have now to setup a user to be the administrator of the project, please refer to the next section.

Creating an Administrator

The first time you initialize a project, you will have to create a new project administrator using the command line utility trac-admin because without being administrator you won't be allowed to access the Admin menu from the web interface. To create an administrator, you will first have to create a user to access the system in an authenticated way (see Trac installation guide), than you will have to grant this user the administration rights:

    $ trac-admin <project_name> permission add <user> TRAC_ADMIN

Next time you will login to the Agilo project you should see the Administration icon /chrome/agilo/images/icon.admin.png appearing the the top toolbar.

Note: Visit the Agilo for trac user group to learn more about specific topics.

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