Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

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About Agilo for trac

Agilo is a simple and easy to use web-based tool to support teams working with Scrum. Agilo supports all the Roles and main Ceremonies of the Scrum framework and allows the roles to share and interact effectively with a minimum effort.

Agilo provides the management of Backlogs (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog by default, but teams can create other custom backlogs e.g. Bug Backlog) which are highly configurable and adaptable to every team's needs. Agilo provides some standard charts that can be embedded in Wiki pages and also shown in the Sprint Backlog, such as the Burndown Chart.

Agilo allows you to define Milestones for Product Releases, and then split every milestone into one or more Sprints, so that you can have an aggregated view of your project planning, as well as dig down into the details of each Sprint.

Agilo is based on Trac, a very popular ticket tracking system. You can find more information on Trac on the TracGuide.

Note: Visit the Agilo for trac user group to learn more about specific topics.

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