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Structured Annotations

Structured annotations permit the attachment of data and metadata outside the OMERO data model to certain types within the model. The annotations are designed for individualized use by both sites and tools. Annotations can be attached to multiple instances simultaneously to quickly annotated all entities in a view. Each annotation has a "name" which can be interpreted as a "namespace" by tools, which can filter out all unknown namespaces. Further, to prevent users from overwriting or editing important information, annotations are immutable, but editing can be simulated via copy and delete.

Annotated & Annotating types

Each type which can be annotated implements ome.model.IAnnotated. Currently, these are:

  • Project
  • Dataset
  • Image
  • Pixels
  • OriginalFile
  • PlaneInfo
  • Roi
  • Channel
  • Annotation and all annotation subtypes in order to form hierarchies
  • ScreenPlateWell: Screen, ScreenAcquisition, Plate, Well, WellSample, Reagent
  • ...

Annotation hierarchy

Though they largely are all String or numeric values, a hierarchy of annotations makes differentiating between just what interpretation should be given to the annotation. This may eventually include validation of the input string and/or file.

   Annotation (A*) ....................... Only a name field
     ListAnnotation ...................... Uses AnnotationAnnotation links to form a list of annotations
     BasicAnnotation (A*) ................ Literal or "primitive" values
       BooleanAnnotation ................. A simple true/false flag. Perhaps for hit/miss detection
       NumericAnnotation (A*) ............ Floating point and integer values
       TextAnnotation .................... A single text field
         TagAnnotation ................... Interpreted as a Web 2.0 "tag" on an object. Tags on tags form tag bundles
         QueryAnnotation ................. Possibly interpreted as a query which was used to create a dataset, for example
         XmlStringAnnotation ............. An xml snippet attached to some object
         UrlAnnotation ................... A url. This annotation may be further subclassed (LSID, HTTPS, ...)
      TypeAnnotation (A*) ................ Links some entity to another (possbily to be replaced by <any/>
        ThumbnailAnnotation .............. Attaches a thumbnail to some entity, most likely for client-use
        FileAnnotation    ................ Uses the Format field on OriginalFile to specify type

   A* = abstract

Names and Namespaces

Since arbitrary blobs or clobs can be attached to an entity, it is necessary for clients to have some way to differentiate what it can parse. In many cases, the name might be a simple reminder for a user to find the file s/he an annotation. Applications, however, will most likely want to define a namespace, like http://name-of-application-provider.com/name-of-application/file-type/version. Queries can then be produced which search for the proper namespace or match on a part of the name space:

   iQuery.findAllByQuery("select annotation from FileAnnotation where "+
    "name like 'http://name-of-application-provider.com/name-of-application/%'");

Tags will most likely begin without a namespace. As a tag gets escalated to a common vocabulary, it might make sense to add a possibly site-specific namespace with more well-defined semantics.


Unlike the previous, ImageAnnotation and DatasetAnnotation types, the new structured annotations do not have a description field. The single description field was limited for multi-user scenarios, and can be fully replaced by TextAnnotations attached to another annotation.

   FileAnnotation fileAnnotation = ...;
   TextAnnotation description = ...;


The actual content value of an annotation -- the text, long, double, file value, etc -- is immutable. Links to and from the annotation, however, can be modified.

Currently the namespace field of annotations is mutable. See #878 for discussion.



 import ome.model.IAnnotated;
 import ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation;
 import ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation;
 import ome.model.core.OriginalFile;
 import ome.model.display.Roi;

 List<Annotation> list = iAnnotated.linkedAnnotationList();
 // do something with list

Attaching a tag

  TagAnnotation tag = new TagAnnotation();
  Roi roi = ...; // Some region of interest
  ILink link = roi.linkAnnotation(tag);

Attaching a file

 // or attach something new
 OriginalFile myOriginalFile = new OriginalFile();
 // upload PDF

 FileAnnotation annotation = new FileAnnotation();

 ILink link = iAnnotated.linkAnnotation(annotation)
 link = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(link);

All write changes are intended to occur through the IUpdate interface, whereas searching should be significantly easier through ome.api.Search than IQuery.

See also: original proposal, ExtendingOmero

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 09/10/09 11:07:57

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