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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #6703

09/08/11 11:37:24 (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #6703 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 Depending on the overall strategy chosen, either the "guest" user should also be kept non-LDAP, or the root user should be LDAP-able, keeping in mind, though, that many LDAPs will have a "root" user who has nothing to do with OMERO. For this to work, properly, the mapping of "omeName" may have to be altered, so that the DN is automatically trusted regardless of the user's name ('''in which case''' it may be necessary to prevent user synchronization!) 
     1Depending on the overall strategy chosen, either the "guest" user should also be kept non-LDAP, or the root user should be LDAP-able (see #6702), keeping in mind, though, that many LDAPs will have a "root" user who has nothing to do with OMERO. For this to work, properly, the mapping of "omeName" may have to be altered, so that the DN is automatically trusted regardless of the user's name ('''in which case''' it may be necessary to prevent user synchronization!) 

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