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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12217, comment 38

05/26/15 15:50:40 (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #12217, comment 38

    initial v1  
    1 The timings I quoted tended to be at least for a second import of the same data in the same manner; I tried to control for cold cache issues. I'm really not sure; it might be worth asking Roger. 
     1The timings I quoted tended to be at least for a second import of the same data in the same manner; I tried to control for cold cache issues so wasn't sensitive to them. I'm really not sure; it might be worth asking Roger. 
    33This ticket was useful for capturing a specific reproducible egregious performance issue but, given that I commented, 
    55> Trying local NTFS over FUSE again, normal upload took 52s then with `ln_s` took 58s. So, that's great! 
    7 then I suppose it has now served its purpose and from my side I'm happy *if* something analogous to this `3d44990f` I mentioned was actually merged. Does anyone know what it is? Should I retest? 
     7then I suppose it has now served its purpose and from my side I'm happy ///if/// something analogous to this `3d44990f` I mentioned was actually merged. Does anyone know what it is? Should I retest? 

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