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Task #11996 (closed)

Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

BUG: FLIMfit does not load data

Reported by: pwalczysko Owned by:
Priority: blocker Milestone: 5.0.2
Component: General Version: 4.4.10
Keywords: n.a. Cc: ux@…, imunro-x
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.


For the demo in Nottingham, Kenny prepared a Remote Desktop. This is a Windows 2008 machine. Onto this machine, the FlIMit (windows version) from the downloads page, was installed by @jburel. This was the windows version which was on the Partners OME-docs page as of 06th of Feb 2014.

During the workflow in Nottingham, I did following.

  • logged into the Remote Desktop with my credentials (@imunro-x -> I will give you some credentials you can use yourself via other routs)
  • started FLIMfit and contacted to Howe (username: will, Screen: FLIMScreen (workded as expected)
  • selected data under FLIMScreen, Y:\User Lab Data\Ian Munro\ParisMeetingData?\2012-07-26_16-59-47 - the second line in the first menu of FLIMfit went blue as expected
  • went LOAD multiple FOVs (or whatever was discussed during the short tutorial given to me by Ian the day before - although I might have forgotten it by now, I am positive I was doing the right thing back then)
  • the loading started as expedited (the red progress bar started to go forward)
  • the loading finished, but unlike when I tried this workflow on the Mac version of FLIMfit (which was downloaded from Hudson) connected to Howe, I did not get the data displayed in FLIMfit (no intensity image appeared in the top-left part of the UI and no rows and columns of the data loaded appeared next to it),
  • repeated the LOAD multiple FOV command, but nothing improved, the situation was the same as previously
  • gave up and went out of the Remote Desktop, onto my local OMERO server (without the plate data which I had on Howe) and with a Mac version of FLIMfit downloaded from Hudson
  • connected to my local server and loaded a simple FLIM image (convolaria-type or similar). All went fine.

Note that it was not possible to connect to Howe from Nottingham from my Mac directly.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

  • Milestone changed from Unscheduled to 5.0.2

Moving all remaining blockers to 5.0.2 for re-evaluation.

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed
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