Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Custom Query (1645 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 1645)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1614 Raw File Store: concurrency problem new jburel task blocker Unscheduled
#2552 ImageContainer-MultiImage or ??? new task blocker GatherReqs
#7069 Annotation and namespace new jburel task blocker Metadata
#9165 5.2 DB accepted jamoore story blocker GatherReqs
#9821 Path/names of files should be sensible to users accepted jamoore story blocker 5.0.0-beta1
#10181 Bug: configuration_pkey failure in pixeldata accepted jamoore task blocker Asynchronous
#12567 BUG: plate not rendering fully in Windows 8 IE10 new web-team@… task blocker Rendering
#12642 BUG: Export as OME-TIFF broken accepted jburel task blocker OME-Files
#13125 Default group selection in webui new bug blocker Unscheduled
#118 Hibernate session.merge() is updating non-changed entities. assigned jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#300 Linear performance degradation with increasing number of groupexperimentermaps new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#547 Add deleteGroup and deleteUser to IAdmin new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#860 Add ServerErrorEvent subsystem for notification of internal errors new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#937 Provide distro packages for server builds new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#974 Strange "narrowing proxy" warning in log new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#975 Search.onlyType() can return different types assigned jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1112 Indexing might should be in-line new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1232 Omitting LIMIT/OFFSET requires use of DISTINCT new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1252 Add support for java.library.path to java.py new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1259 Examine use of caching (second-level hibernate, etc) new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1264 EventLogLoader.backlog is lost on restart new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1283 "Timed out while waiting on synchronization" erros during pg_dump new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1322 Improve processor slots and timeouts new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1326 Adding a way to have new thumbnails automatically new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1329 ValidationException while delete experimenter (Delete user umbrella) new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1364 Verify that re-importing an exported document detects all known LSIDs new jamoore story critical Metadata
#1375 omero.client.CLIENTS prevents garbage collection new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1382 Improve LDAP support accepted jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1387 Improve login security accepted story critical Unscheduled
#1388 Add support for "effective" UID. new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1398 Server permits empty-named users new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1416 Disallow removing root from "users" group new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1445 Remote DropBox assigned cblackburn story critical Unscheduled
#1500 Re-import support new jamoore requirement critical Unscheduled
#1585 Import hung on findAll(enums) new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1611 Implement service dependencies new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1638 OmeroTables improvements accepted spli story critical Unscheduled
#1650 (Re)add RoiRoiLink or similar mechanism (also ImageImageLink) new jamoore story critical GatherReqs
#1651 OmeroTables bugs new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#1685 Decide on mutability and background updating of ROIs new jamoore story critical ROI
#1705 Implement Statement.cancel on hung JDBC statements new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1727 Feedback 74: fix annotation counts post-original metadata file new jamoore task critical Metadata
#1728 Add documentation on adding server start on boot new task critical Unscheduled
#1740 Support for multiple FS File Server new cblackburn story critical Unscheduled
#1747 Configure OMERO for certificate authentication new jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#1756 Create a set of relevant exceptions for FS. assigned cblackburn task critical Unscheduled
#1797 User-specified annotations on Import new story critical Metadata
#1860 Scripts Cleanup accepted jamoore story critical Unscheduled
#2125 Build revamp new requirement critical GatherReqs
#2128 FS Data de-duplication new requirement critical Unscheduled
#2131 Performance improvements new requirement critical Unscheduled
#2142 Remove all compile warnings from SPR 3.0 and HIB 3.5 new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#2177 Add callback methods to omero.scripts.client new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#2183 Public groups support new story critical Unscheduled
#2333 Some system types should have creation/update events new task critical Unscheduled
#2343 Store real LSIDs in the ExternalInfo table new task critical Metadata
#2570 Upgrade Hibernate new jballanco-x task critical Unscheduled
#2582 Gateway, OMEROGateway, script_utlils unification new requirement critical Unscheduled
#2590 Objects created by trigger need real event and session new task critical Unscheduled
#2592 Provide performance metric for testing hardware new task critical Unscheduled
#2719 Ontology support new story critical Unscheduled
#2888 Delete Annnotation-Annotation new task critical Unscheduled
#3027 Add importer intelligence for OME-XML/OME-TIFF files new story critical Unscheduled
#3099 AdminInterface needs paging of experimenters reopened story critical GatherReqs
#3105 LIM: Delete experimenter group or Experimenter new task critical Unscheduled
#3139 Add account-locking on multiple failed attempts new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#3166 Make OMERO.web and libraries threadsafe new story critical Unscheduled
#3173 Increase session store concurrency new story critical Unscheduled
#3182 Don't reload session once method is active new task critical Unscheduled
#3215 Import and Attachments accepted story critical Metadata
#3509 Drivespace improvement new story critical Unscheduled
#3510 IRepository adjustments assigned cxallan task critical Unscheduled
#3523 NDIM initial requirement work new requirement critical Unscheduled
#3535 OME-XML/TIFF export new requirement critical OME-Files
#3542 Support exporting what was originally imported new story critical Usability Backlog
#3629 Write OME-XML wrapper objects for OMERO objects new task critical Unscheduled
#3856 Deep Copy new story critical GatherReqs
#3898 Indexer could periodically releases its connection new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#4048 Delete Phase II accepted story critical Unscheduled
#4292 Script target new task critical Unscheduled
#4529 RFE: add read-or-delete-only server flag new task critical Unscheduled
#4978 RFE: throttle clients who are creating too many stateful services new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#5140 Review non-Enum uses of IQuery.findAll new task critical Unscheduled
#5158 FS/PixelData follow-on new story critical Asynchronous
#5206 Updated annotation objects don't reindex the annotation. new task critical Unscheduled
#5322 Limitation: deleting shared tag removes tag from the view new jburel task critical Unscheduled
#5608 LIM: Importer: False Image/Screen mix new jburel task critical Metadata
#5630 Nullable (RType) columns new spli task critical Unscheduled
#5768 RFE: subclasses not loaded in Hibernate new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#5782 RFE: Wrapper always throws an exception when object is not loaded new wmoore task critical Unscheduled
#5927 Big images, phase 2 new requirement critical Pyramids
#5933 LIM: Data access by not-in-group user new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#6314 Webgateway cache - default location reopened wmoore task critical Unscheduled
#6380 New developer documentation new jamoore requirement critical GatherReqs
#6502 Complex new_user_group configurations new jamoore task critical Unscheduled
#7043 Code components review accepted story critical GatherReqs
#7065 BlitzGateway to wrap ALL methods? new wmoore task critical Unscheduled
#7902 MQ support in backend new jamoore requirement critical GatherReqs
#7916 Limit num. of files per user new task critical GatherReqs
#8084 Database - Consolidated Changes accepted jamoore story critical GatherReqs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.

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