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Task #75 (closed)

Opened 18 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Document how to write testng tests.

Reported by: jamoore Owned by: bpindelski
Priority: trivial Milestone: Testing2
Component: Documentation Version: 3.0-M1
Keywords: n.a. Cc: mtbcarroll, bpindelski, cblackburn,
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.


The switch to testng from junit is a very large shift. This needs to be better documented, in the form of a users guide/tutorial, etc.

See Omero Development

Change History (12)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by jmoore

  • Milestone changed from 3.0-M2 to Unscheduled

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by hflynn

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by jmoore

  • Cc mtbcarroll bpindelski added

Blazej, Mark: do you think this is "done"? :)

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by mtbcarroll

I have a feeling that I'm not managing to find the testng docs, though the OMERO developer docs do take a bit of hunting through...

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by bpindelski

I second Mark. We don't have extensive docs regarding writing unit/integration tests and what framework each component uses.

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by hflynn

Okay, I closed this because it had been ignored for 6 years but I'll reopen in the hope someone decides to do it one day!

comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by hflynn

  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by hflynn

Removed link to contributing developer story as that is being used to manage docs which have split off into a separate section and apply equally to BF and OMERO. These testing docs belong within the OMERO (or BF as appropriate) docs.

comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by hflynn

  • Cc cblackburn added

Is the work @cblackburn has been doing on documenting testing contributing towards this ticket, or is this a specific type of testing that we are still not covering in our docs?

comment:10 Changed 10 years ago by cblackburn

My work on documenting pytest falls outside of this ticket - though the ticket has been around from before I was even here! - this ticket relates to Java tests which is sort of parallel to what I did with Python. Maybe Josh can comment if the documentation is better than 8 years ago? Maybe Mark and Blazej can comment on improvements in the last 12 months?

comment:11 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

  • Milestone changed from Unscheduled to Testing2
  • Owner changed from jamoore to bpindelski
  • Status changed from reopened to accepted

It's certainly better! :) But from Blazej's comment:5, there's work to be done. I'd leave it in his hands to say when we've gotten there.

comment:12 Changed 10 years ago by bpindelski

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from accepted to closed

Closing this for the final time, as the overall team knowledge about tests has increased (and there will be a presentation outlining details). There is first of all http://testng.org/doc/index.html and the practice of test engineering isn't something one doc page could encompass. Additionally, test change together with the codebase, so it will be hard if not impossible to set up strict rules.

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