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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #6220

07/12/11 11:44:28 (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #6220 – Description

    initial v1  
     1As part of the initial big image work (#1950) we made the decision to use JPEG 2000 based image pyramids stored in a tiled TIFF. The same logic is also used to handle all images currently supported as "FS Lite" (#5640); we are generating pyramids for all these file formats. 
     3We may use these pyramids more extensively in the pursuit of de-duplication (#2128) and the extension of the "FS Lite" capabilities to more file formats or even the use for cached versions of pixel data as part of the original file binary repository modifications (#909). 
     5As such it is critical that we address a few things: 
     6 1. JPEG 2000 compression performance (currently ~100ms per 256x256 tile on relatively modern hardware) 
     7 1. JPEG 2000 decompression performance 
     8 1. Multi-threaded compression (initial Bio-Formats work has been done in #5001) 
     10In order to address (1) and (2) it will be important to investigate a number of native compression techniques. Some possibilities are outlined in #5927. Some further options: 
     11 * JAI ImageIO itself and its native code extensions 
     12 * JAI ImageIO plugins such as those implemented in !GeoTools (http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/library/coverage/jp2k.html) 
     13 * Kakadu (http://www.kakadusoftware.com/) 
     15Bio-Formats currently produces JPEG 2000 compressed code streams using JAI ImageIO. The Bio-Formats service wrapper interface is very AWT centric, using {{{BufferedImage}}} and various other components. In order to be more flexible with JPEG 2000 compression, if we do not use JAI ImageIO plugins, it will likely be required to make this interface more generic. Current interface and implementation of the JAI ImageIO interfaces: 
     16 * source:bioformats.git/components/bio-formats/src/loci/formats/services/JAIIIOService.java 
     17 * source:bioformats.git/components/bio-formats/src/loci/formats/services/JAIIIOServiceImpl.java 
     19The current implementation is based on the wiki:BioFormats-Service infrastructure. If we go down the road of providing a more "pluggable" JPEG 2000 compression infrastructure we will likely need to extend at least the documentation of the current service infrastructure. 

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