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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12946

06/26/15 12:42:08 (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #12946 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 I find downgrading groups to private confusing in Insight. It warns me it might fail and asks me to confirm to make the change. I click OK and, of course, nothing interesting happens, I also have to go to a different pane and click Save. It would be great if the confirmation message were clearer that the "change" it's talking about my confirming isn't the chown itself, as it's not obvious after the OK that a further step is then required. 
     1I find downgrading groups to private confusing in Insight. It warns me it might fail and asks me to confirm to make the change. I click OK and, of course, nothing interesting happens, I also have to go to a different pane and click Save. It would be great if the confirmation message were clearer that the "change" it's talking about my confirming isn't the chmod itself, as it's not obvious after the OK that a further step is then required. 

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