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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #11210, comment 22

07/23/13 12:07:38 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #11210, comment 22

    initial v1  
    1 I've made some progress in separating logging into OMERO through Insight out into parameterized test setup, and I have made a start with the suggested tests of #11214, but I have run into an odd issue with testing which popup menu items are enabled that I will try to figure out a fix for tomorrow. I have also run into an issue where test suite teardown won't like actually quitting out of Insight (the `System.exit` seems to be bringing some test stuff down too). 
     1With !SwingLibrary I've made some progress in separating logging into OMERO through Insight out into parameterized test setup, and I have made a start with the suggested tests of #11214, but I have run into an odd issue with testing which popup menu items are enabled that I will try to figure out a fix for tomorrow. I have also run into an issue where test suite teardown won't like actually quitting out of Insight (the `System.exit` seems to be bringing some test stuff down too). 

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