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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #11210, comment 16

07/12/13 14:35:37 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #11210, comment 16

    initial v1  
    44    Click On Table Cell  server table  ${localhost}  0 
    6 to choose a server from the list at login. From the Marathon documentation it is extremely unclear how to emulate this. It covers the simple stuff somewhat well, but, unless I'm missing something, the technical detail stops a step short of what we would actually need. For instance, `select` can "set the state corresponding to the given text" but nowhere in the manual do I see a specification of if the given text can be `'rows:[localhost],columns:[host]'` or what. 
     6to choose a server from the list at login. From the Marathon documentation it is extremely unclear how to emulate this. It covers the simple stuff somewhat well, but, unless I'm missing something, the technical detail stops a step short of what we would actually need. For instance, `select` can "set the state corresponding to the given text" but nowhere in the manual have I yet found specification of if I should expect to be able to do things like, 
     8select('server table', 'rows:[localhost],columns:[host]') 

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