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Top-Annoying Bugs (TAB) (9 matches)

Bugs marked with the keyword "TAB", or "top-annoying bug".


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Milestone: Rendering (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component Created Modified Reporter Cc
#11126 Bug: overflow on max projection of EMD new task major Services 11 years 8 years jamoore ingvar@…, wmoore, mtbcarroll, jburel, ux@…

Milestone: Unscheduled (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component Created Modified Reporter Cc
#7250 BUG:Paint problem in activity window new jburel task major Insight 12 years 8 years omero-qa k.chen@…, a.herbert@…, samantha.fox@…, ux@…
#7711 Bug: slow loading on large number of table columns new jamoore task major Performance 12 years 8 years jamoore bhcho@…, spli, ux@…
#8092 BUG:Error display new jburel task minor Insight 12 years 10 years omero-qa c.x.allan@…, ux@…
#9276 BUG:attached XML new jburel task minor from QA 12 years 10 years omero-qa cjw@…, ux@…
#9360 BUG:Image Scroll reset on zooming new jburel task minor from QA 12 years 10 years omero-qa m.porter@…, ux@…
#10028 BUG:Lens and movie new jburel task minor from QA 11 years 8 years omero-qa m.porter@…, ux@…
#10257 Bug: insight looks for icy in client dir new jburel task minor Insight 11 years 8 years jamoore adk502@…, ux@…
#11155 BUG:Improve Checksum error handling new jburel task minor from QA 11 years 10 years omero-qa wookoouk@…, ux@…
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