Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Current issues: FS (15 matches)

A list of items which can be shared with external developers to get a feel for what the current problems are with "Develop". At the moment, the "develop" branch is focused on FS (#9818) and therefore FS-related bugs are listed.


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component Created Reporter
#11175 Image Import jburel story major GatherReqs Insight 11 years jburel
#11091 Refactor hierarchy-walking in latest Blitz FS code mtbcarroll task minor Unscheduled OmeroFs 11 years mtbcarroll
#10919 Detect omero.fslite.path_rules breaking changes mtbcarroll task minor Unscheduled OmeroFs 11 years mtbcarroll
#10813 Closeable import processes task critical Asynchronous Services 11 years jamoore
#10812 FS perf. optimizations to consider task minor Unscheduled Performance 11 years jamoore
#10810 Refactor ImportCandidates into Bio-Formats task major Unscheduled General 11 years jamoore
#10809 FS delete finalization task minor Unscheduled General 11 years jamoore
#10808 Convenience methods/test for Repository API task minor Unscheduled API 11 years jamoore
#10414 Consider changing file path representation in API jamoore task minor Unscheduled OmeroFs 11 years mtbcarroll
#10363 Bug: Race condition opening images before thumbnail load jburel task major Unscheduled Insight 11 years rleigh
#10359 Bug: getManagedRepo in repository.py is too slow jamoore task critical Unscheduled API 11 years jamoore
#10325 Introduce ImportSet to API jamoore task critical Unscheduled OmeroFs 11 years jamoore
#10256 Bug: deleting ManagedRepo directories can cause imports to fail task major Unscheduled Import 11 years cblackburn
#10206 Clean OMERO gateway jburel task major Unscheduled Insight 11 years jburel
#9821 Path/names of files should be sensible to users jamoore story blocker 5.0.0-beta1 OmeroFs 12 years jamoore
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.

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